
Notaire : Secteur [Bel-59]

Patronymes Périodes Contractant Contractante
1.  FIRATLI 1955 - 2
2.  Firdoesi en Schah-name. 1910 2 -
3.  Firewalkers de l'Europe de l'ouest, notes et additions. 1997 1 -
4.  FIRKET 1949-1955 - 4
5.  Firmas de los canteros en la calcazaba de Alméria. 1983 1 -
6.  FIRMIN 1911 - 2
8.  Firmin De Clercq en de heemkundige kring van Evergem. 1983 2 -
9.  FIRPO 1981 - 1
10.  First battalion Grenadier Guards 4th october - 8th november 1914. - 1 -
11.  First book for teaching modern languages, english part for adults. 1907 1 -
12.  First empire urbanism in the French province: a Breton Napoléon-ville. 1979 1 -
13.  First list of recent publications and research in progress for 1975-1976-1977. 1978 1 -
14.  First Manet paintings to enter an American museum. 1981 1 -


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