
Commune/Paroisse : Secteur [Bel-59]
Patronyme : Eating and drinking in Renaissance Oxford and Louvain. A comparison of the food and drink purchased at Merton College and Busheyden College in the early sixtenth century.

Tri : DatesIntervenant 1Intervenant 2Document 
1.  1989   Eating and drinking in Renaissance Oxford and Louvain. A comparison of the food and drink purchased at Merton College and Busheyden College in the early sixtenth century. 29R2  FLETCHER & UPTON J.-M. & C.A.  Bibliothèque Détails 
2.  1989   Eating and drinking in Renaissance Oxford and Louvain. A comparison of the food and drink purchased at Merton College and Busheyden College in the early sixtenth century. 29R2  FLETCHER & UPTON J.-M. & C.A.  Bibliothèque Détails 
3.  1989   Eating and drinking in Renaissance Oxford and Louvain. A comparison of the food and drink purchased at Merton College and Busheyden College in the early sixtenth century. 29R2  UPTON & FLETCHER C.A. & J.-M.  Bibliothèque Détails 


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