
Commune/Paroisse : Secteur [Bel-59]
Patronyme : Early medieval North Holland surveyed: The Hollands Noorderkwartier sheet: early middle ages of the archaeological map of the Netherlands.

Tri : DatesIntervenant 1Intervenant 2Document 
1.  1999   Early medieval North Holland surveyed: The Hollands Noorderkwartier sheet: early middle ages of the archaeological map of the Netherlands. 38R68  HALLEWAS & VAN REGTEREN ALTENA D.P. & J.F.  Bibliothèque Détails 
2.  1999   Early medieval North Holland surveyed: The Hollands Noorderkwartier sheet: early middle ages of the archaeological map of the Netherlands. 38R68  VANREGTEREN ALTENA & HALLEWAS J.F. & D.P.  Bibliothèque Détails 


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