
Commune/Paroisse : Secteur [Bel-59]
Patronyme : Ahu o Rongo revisited. Preliminary survey and forthcoming archaeological investigations of a ceremonial centre on Rapa Nui (Easter Island Chile).

Tri : DatesIntervenant 1Intervenant 2Document 
1.  1999   Ahu o Rongo revisited. Preliminary survey and forthcoming archaeological investigations of a ceremonial centre on Rapa Nui (Easter Island Chile). 39R10  CAUWE & FORMENT & HAOA & HUYGE Nicolas & Francina & So & D.  Bibliothèque Détails 
2.  1999   Ahu o Rongo revisited. Preliminary survey and forthcoming archaeological investigations of a ceremonial centre on Rapa Nui (Easter Island Chile). 39R10  FORMENT & HAOA & HUYGE & CAUWE Francina & So & D. & N.  Bibliothèque Détails 
3.  1999   Ahu o Rongo revisited. Preliminary survey and forthcoming archaeological investigations of a ceremonial centre on Rapa Nui (Easter Island Chile). 39R10  HAOA & HUYGE & CAUWE & FORMENT Sonia & D. & N. & F.  Bibliothèque Détails 
4.  1999   Ahu o Rongo revisited. Preliminary survey and forthcoming archaeological investigations of a ceremonial centre on Rapa Nui (Easter Island Chile). 39R10  HUYGE & CAUWE & FORMENT & HAOA Dirk & Nicolas & Francina & So  Bibliothèque Détails 


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